Monday, 11 November 2013

Dear friends in Faith and Light

It was so good to meet in South Africa and get a sense of the communities in our three countries. I wonder how people travelled back home? How did the journey go? With my long legs I found the bus journey down a bit trying but it was OK and it was good to be with others. We somehow started the meeting even before we got there especially after meeting up with people from our southern region at 5.00 a.m. in Jo’burg bus station.

Our hosts were really welcoming and went to much trouble to see that we had everything. I stayed with the local Methodist minister whose five year old son, Nathan, gave up his room to me for a night. It was a blessing having Ghislain from Paris with us and gave our choice of Kathrynn as our new provincial a special confirmation and encouragement. I felt a great sense of renewal and hope for Faith and Light for the future and we expressed our great gratitude to Elinata for caring for us so warmly for so long.

After the meeting I visited the Jesuits in Jo’burg and then took the opportunity for some time at sea level in Capetown with friends who used to live in Zimbabwe. I spent my young days at sea level and it is amazing what it does to you to return to it for a while. Now I am back in Zimbabwe at close to 6000 feet above sea level and feeling the effects!

I met Farayi Kambarami, whom many of us know, and am planning to introduce him to the Jesuit run parish in Capetown. The Zambian parish priest was away when we tried to arrange something but we will persevere.

We can use this way of communicating through the site Time has set up. I normally send my leaves to him and he puts them on the tree but I think it is possible for any of us to “post” a message direct on the tree. So let us use this resource to be in touch. Just write!

Please let us know if anyone is born or gets married or dies or any other event that touches any of us. For instance, do we all know that Lorraine has a baby? And that Time now has a son, Brendan, a little brother for Lakeisha.

Tell us about your joys and challenges, your hopes and fears. Maybe we can help one another more in the future.

Let us also pray for Faith and Light and for l’Arche. Our task is not an easy one and we need the accompaniment of Jesus. 


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